I learned that even with my failed blogs, and even worse my failed journals, writing just once a year will still leave insight and things to be found. I wish my great great great great great great great... times a few more, great grandparents had the pleasure of having the resources and documentation we do today. I have left my mark in a lot of ways especially with internet use, considering once online it never goes off. To think, I have all of this and I don't even need work done for me. I will, however, have stories to be remembered by. It's a wonderful thing to do Family History but it's hard when you don't have resources or documents proving that you are alive. I guess you could say this blog then is indeed proving that I am alive :)
I was also introduced to the idea of using Journal Prompts to get my journal going again. There is a WONDERFUL site that is used to prompt mostly blogging and scrap booking but it's good for journal use too. It's called, This is me Challenge. Located one at http://thisismechallenge.blogspot.com/ and another at http://ldsthisismechallenge.blogspot.com/ for those of LDS faith looking for more spiritual and religion related prompts. Earlier this week, Journal Prompts were only things given in English class to make me write and then be graded based on what I wrote but now it's a whole new world and a different kind of cool. It's so fun even just to look at so I hope you check it out and enjoy yourself.
I was told once upon a time that journaling isn't just about what happens during the day but how you feel and the little things that you wouldn't remember without writing them down. Just the other day I found a journal entry about when I had just gotten back together with an ex boyfriend for the second time. (I have this history of dating my ex's more than once but this one stuck in my mind and apparently my journal too for some reason). It was the only time I remember actually doing what I was told and I wrote down how I felt. I never thought I would be looking back today wishing I had done it more. My entry talked about the risk I was taking seeing as how I've dated many ex's more than once and didn't know if this one was going to end any better. All of those feelings burst back to me like I was actually there. Just before reading it, I would've never thought to remember the feelings of risk I was taking. What an experience! And even though those weren't all good feelings, I felt remarkably glad that I felt it again. Never want to feel pain twice? Well I think that with an older mind it wasn't about the pain but the things I learned. In my opinion, everyone should find joy in their past and take the opportunity to keep your own personal history... today!
And yes, you don't always see the blessings in tedious things at first but I know for a fact you will see them later. Some times I enjoy the realization just a week or two down the road while other experiences take longer but I know it comes for sure.
I look forward to blogging and the fun challenges given to me in prompts and life's adventures. I also hope this benefits more than just me but even if I'm writing to no one, it still makes me happy and I'm leaving my mark for something or someone not here yet.
Tender love and care,
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